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Past Events

Summer Camp at Camp Robert Drake, Fairmount, Illinois

Jun 17 - Jun 21, 2014


This year the Troop decided to go outside the Council to Camp Robert Drake, Pairelands Council. The Scouts of Troop 94 really had a great time.  They said the food was great.  The older Scouts stayed in a tree house and they did what was called Vermilion Trex.  That included Scuba, four wheelers,over night kayak trip.  Click here for a link to Camp Drake web site.



Memorial Corner, O'Fallon, Illinois

May 11th, 2014


Every year in May Troop 94 has helped the O'Fallon Woman's Club with the Memorial Corner flag rasing ceremony at First and Lincoln in honor of an O'Fallon veteran who made the ultimate sacrifice.  This year the veteran that is being honored is Zach Cuddeback, his cousin and best friend Airman First Class Neal Bevirt is a Eagle Scout from Troop 94 as well as his uncle Jeff Bevirt.  



Cosgrove's Kitchen 

Nov 28th, 2013


The St. Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen strives to feed the whole person both body and soul. We celebrate holidays by serving meals to those who would otherwise go hungry. Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter are joyful times of sharing the blessings of good food as well as the love of neighbor.


Troop 94 and others from the Lewis and Clark Counicl helps out at Cosgrove's Kitchen on Thanksgiving morning to create Turkey Dinners for those that otherwise go hungry.

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